Building a System of Tens Orientation

BST/MMO Full Course

Reading Assignment: Casebook Chapter 1

In preparation for the first session, read the introduction to the Building a System of Tens Casebook. Then read chapter 1, “Students’ addition and subtraction strategies,” including both the introductory text and cases 1 through 5. Use the questions posed in the introduction to the chapter to guide your reading.

You may encounter ideas that are new to you as you read, particularly when you read cases written by teachers of grade levels you do not teach. Take notes as you read to prepare for the discussions. Remember, the reading is in preparation for a course session in which you will have a chance to explore the mathematics involved in these cases.

Writing Assignment: Analyzing Student Methods

Please respond in writing to these problems and submit your work to your course instructor by the end of the day on (insert date). This assignment is intended to capture your present thinking regarding these ideas prior to your formal class experience, so work on these questions alone and without reference to mathematics websites or resources. Please use full sentences to explain your thinking.

Problem 1

Students Janae, Tom, Bert, and Betsy demonstrated four different approaches to the same problem, 68 + 24 = ?