Explore the foundational principles of our base-ten number system to deepen your understanding of place value, number composition and decomposition, and efficient strategies for whole number and decimal computation. Through hands-on mathematical tasks designed for adult learners, you will refine your reasoning and broaden your understanding of how the structures and patterns that underpin our number system can be leveraged to develop fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You will also analyze student thinking across multiple grade levels to better support the diverse needs of your own students.
This course is a reimagined and refreshed version of the Developing Mathematical Ideas (DMI) module Building a System of Tens and is designed for educators looking to deepen their content and pedagogical knowledge while enhancing their instructional practices. Whether taken independently, with colleagues, or as part of a larger professional learning network, this course offers practical strategies to help you guide students in building a strong conceptual foundation for computation—one that will serve as a cornerstone for future mathematical learning.
Customized Experiences for Schools and Districts:
Interested in customizing this course for a larger group? Contact us at to learn about our range of customized experiences and how we can create the ideal professional learning model to meet your needs.
Important Course Material Notice
As part of this course, you will need a copy (digital or print) of Building a System of Tens Casebook to fully engage with the content and activities. This book is a key resource, providing essential insights and supporting your learning experience.
Required Book: Building a System of Tens Casebook
Where to Purchase: NCTM Bookstore
Upon registration, you will receive a digital download of the first chapter, so you can dive in right away. However, we recommend securing your full copy of the book before starting the course to ensure a smooth learning experience. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at We look forward to learning with you.
Digital manipulatives are built into the course for you to use to engage in the math activities. If you would like to work with physical materials, here’s a list of items we recommend:
- Paper and pencil
- Graph paper
- Colored pencils/markers
- Base 10 blocks
- Interlocking cubes